Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Isn't there any good news?

Today was another day of not so good news.  I still wait to hear about when I can get into my apartment.  I'm going to have to start looking at other places next week if I don't hear anything.  I want to be in a place by March 15th, as orientation for classes is on April 2nd.  That gives me half the month to get settled and explore my new city and figure out how I'm going to work 1.5 hours outside the city and take classes in the city three nights a week.  

The not so good news comes in the form of mom's test results.  The preliminary results came back with that dreaded 6 letter word.  I keep hoping that when the tests from the bigger hospital come back, they show that the test from the smaller hospital is wrong.  I'm not quite sure how to take it.  Or how to process it.  Its like this every growing stack of challenges I have to face these days.  And I don't know why they are being stacked against me (although I'm not sure that is the word I want to use). 

Does anyone have the magic wand to wave?  


kasiaiscarly said...

sending hugs and good thoughts to you & your family!

km said...

I'll keep praying.

Code Purl said...

So sorry to hear that. Hope those other tests come back negative.