Oye. Really, that is all I have to say.
Life has been crazy for the last few weeks. Starting a new relationship, ending a joy, traveling, moving, ending a relationship completely, seeing old friends, driving around, and traveling again. CRAZY I tell you, CRAZY! So much to catch up on...
Tour ended a week ago. I took a day to hang out in Portland and get a much needed massage. Jenni Jo is fabulous, and the 75 minutes I spent on her table were amazing. If you are ever in Portland, visit her at Mana Massage. She is worth every penny and you will leave feeling like a new person. I first met her last summer while on tour with Tim and Faith. She has this energy that just radiates around her. And its an energy that I can participate in now, now that I am centered in who I am and what I am doing with my life. It was great to catch up with her, enjoy some time leisurely chatting and bonding, and experience the more laid back feeling of Portland.
From there, I flew to Chicago to spend another night with my boy. Other than the mishap at the airport, where I forgot to tell him what airline I was flying in on, it was a great two days. We spent most of Sunday curled up on the couch talking and bonding. We have some very different views on things, but we were able to discuss them, and grow closer to each other. Which was an amazing feeling. It was scary at first, wondering if the differences we have will bring us closer together or drive us apart, but we talked about that part too, and it definitely did the former.
I also needed the down time to rest, as I had managed to bruise my eyes during the last day at work. I caught my cheekbone fairly hard with a piece of equipment and two days later, my eyes were bloodshot, and swollen and I looked like I was stoned. It was difficult to keep my eyes open at times, and sunlight was brutal. Only I could be the klutz to do this, right?
On Monday, I flew home to Boston to pick up my car, and then progressed to NYC on Tuesday morning to get the last of my stuff. In a matter of 2 days last week, D had decided he was giving up his apartment in the city, and gave me just days notice that I would need to fully move out on July 1. So, off I went, speeding along 95, hoping that I wouldn't get caught speeding, cause I'm sure they would have arrested me on the spot. My eyes were so swollen, I looked like I was stoned out of my mind. I made it to NYC without issue, and quickly packed up my things. And was told that I had a shitty attitude that would later be discussed. Really? hmmm... how would your attitude be if you were given three days notice you had to move? And at the same time could barely keep your eyes open? After moving the rest of the day was fabulous. I spent most of it by the pool, and then met up with the knitting girls, who I hadn't seen in forever. We talked for hours and got some knitting done as well. I crashed with Alyssa that night, which gave us extra time to bond. (I'm almost done with the clapotis.... hopefully on the plane tomorrow... I promise pics soon! Especially now that I have this new toy!)
The rest of my time in the city was great. I bought more yarn - yes I am addicted - I had a late lunch and bottle of wine at a cute place in Little Italy with a great friend, I bought a new camera - a Nikon D60... I love it! so much fun to play with, and I booked a ticket to head to Chicago for the weekend to spend it with Crash. Alas the night ended on a down note. Well, a down note that is for the best. D is officially removed from my life. I will never have to deal with him again. A week ago when I informed him of my new relationship, he was upset, as he had thought we'd get a chance to try again. Last night, he informed me I was inconsiderate, irresponsible and a cold hearted bitch. Wow... thats a change. But whatever, I told him that I no longer wanted to continue a friendship with him and wished him luck in life -- to which he attacked my phrasing and wording. Personally, I think he just wanted to have the last word in the tantrum he was throwing. i didn't stoop to his level, and I kept myself from saying all the horrid things I wanted to just spew out as retaliation for the insults he was hurling at me. But I feel stronger and better for not doing that. He's out of my life, deleted from my phone and online communications, and hopefully never to be heard from again. I feel like a giant negative energy has been removed from my surroundings.
I spent the day in holiday traffic getting home to MA, and then reorganizing boxes so as to not completely take over my mother's house. Its hard to compress my house into her house. But, for now I think it will work. I fly away in the morning to spend the 4th with Crash. It will great to be with him and enjoy Chicago for the fourth. Hopefully I've packed the toothbrush this time!