We started the day here. You can get EVERYTHING at the Kittery Trading Post, from guns and hunting equipment, to shoes and clothes, and even food. I picked up a cute pair of Keen Mary Janes for work, and a pair of cowboy boots - which I had been wanting for ages, and now that I have a cowboy in my life, it only makes sense to have the boots.
We hit a couple of the other outlets in Kittery, but the selection there isn't what it was in years past. There is this great bread bakery, When Pigs Fly, that has interesting combinations of flavors (mango pineapple pistachio bread and mexican black bean bread) as well as really great artisan versions of the classics (wheat, sourdough, etc).
From there, we headed off to Chauncy Creek Lobster Pier...
Here are my parents after enjoying their lobster dinner.
Where I ordered him....
And as you can see, I enjoyed every piece of meat he had to offer. He was, as always, quite tasty.
We made a brief stop in Portsmouth, NH on the way back home. It was fun to wander around a bit, but alas the yarn store had closed hours before I found it. We didn't get to wander as much as I had hoped either, as a downpour/thunderstorm hit and we were sent running back to the car. I want to go back there and wander a bit more and actually see all of the stores.
Today I spent doing silly errands that needed to be done. I got lost in Providence, RI trying to take care of a medical test. I ended up getting found, but lost so much time, I didn't get to go find yarn their either. I did manage to return my extra cell phone and a dress I had purchased back when I had an office job.
Tomorrow, I'm off to get an iPhone (or at least I hope to get one, but as I'm not waiting in line already, I'm not sure if the store will have any left when I make it there. I also have the eye doctor's appointment and a hair appointment to take care of. I still need to get some new luggage, as what I had won't take the beating of flying in and out of all the places I will be in the next month. And I still need some new wardrobe choices.
Oh, and the clapotis is done. Well, mostly done. I have to weave in the ends and finish dropping out some of the stitches. But the knitting part is done. Pictures tomorrow. I promise.
I can't eat lobster myself, but the last time M had one, I made him turn the eyes away so they weren't looking at me as he enjoyed eating.
Happy Birthday!
I want to see Clappy!
Like the cowboy boots...I don't want to know what you and your cowboy will be doing with those ::wink wink::
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