Thursday, August 7, 2008

Thank you...

You guys are the greatest. Thank you for your thoughts and hugs. Sometimes it just helps to know that people are out there supporting you.

Today was hard. I bit back tears all day, cause I had to work. I barely slept last night. We did talk once more last night and texted a bit today. But I'm not sure how this transition will work. If he feels we don't have enough in common to date and not run out of conversation, do we have enough in common to be friends? My heart physically hurt today. In a way I never knew it could. And I'm fighting the urges to not think of this as my mistake. To not beat myself up for choosing the wrong guy again. For trusting and being vulnerable. To think that he is the idiot who is giving up way to easy on us, and that just makes him not the right person for me. But that is hard too. Cause I fell in love.

Hopefully tomorrow will be easier to take. Day by day, right?

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