Monday, December 10, 2007

I still can't seem to settle on a design for my page. I've changed it yet again! Change is good, right? I'm certainly trying to make enough of it in my life... at least here, I can see the results instantly.

I had one of those unexpectedly fabulous nights last night. One of my closest friends is moving to Guam for at least the next two years, and we had her farewell party yesterday. The party part was a bit odd - being family and odd college friends that I had only interacted with on occasion. The end of the evening is where all the fun came in, as a small group of us walked to a nearby chinese restaurant and indulged in drinks that were highly alcoholic, food that was tasty, and laughs that made us all cry. We had light saber fights, we drank wine, we watched a cheesy movie. It was an almost perfect way to spend an evening. It kind of sucks that just when I make it back to the east coast, my friend leaves for a place at is a 22 hour flight away. Excuses to plan for vacations.

And another reason I need a job, and soon. There is so much I need and want these days - clothes... right now, I need winter ones, but before long, I'll need new summer ones too. A new camera. Travels and my stuff from Vegas. Money certainly makes the world go round, and when you have none, you notice that more and more. In addition to the material wants of moving on, I long for the independence ones too. I want to wake up and not have to have a conversation with my morning loving parents. I want to be able to cook dinner and not have to take into consideration the dietary likes of others. I just want to be living in my life... and not feeling stalled in my life.

1 comment:

Code Purl said...

I agree with you on the money thing. It's so hard to just be happy with what you have when you're constantly surrounded with newer and better things in stores all the time. It's so difficult to separate wants from needs too sometimes.