Sunday, December 16, 2007

My Christmas Wish List

I caught a piece of a made for tv movie last night as I was falling off to sleep. The main character had written down her Christmas wish list, and was receiving each of her items as the movie progressed. So here it is, my wish list for this holiday season.... What are you hoping to find under your tree or in your stocking? Or perhaps under your menorah?

Dear Santa:

This year I'd like the following:

A JOB! (that pays me well, and is in New York City)
A fabulous apartment (ok, so it doesn't have to be fabulous, just no mice, in a safe area, and that I can make feel like home)
My stuff from Vegas
My American Express bill to mysteriously start shrinking
Cookbooks with glossy pictures of the food and lessons on new techniques
New knitting toys (yarn, needles, and a measuring tape that isn't industrial sized - I'm not going to be making anything that is 25 feet long.... at least I sure hope not!)
Sweaters and other warm weather clothes to survive these cold winter days

I've moved around a lot this year... so I hope you can find me. Especially for that first one!

PS - I've been a very good girl! (or is that a very good girl??)

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