Thursday, March 5, 2009

Still Waiting

It seems like I spend so much time waiting these days.  Waiting to hear this or that, get this news or that news.  It drives me a bit crazy.  I'm working on staying calm and not letting it get to me too much.  But, right now, I'm feeling a bit anxious.  

The last I heard on my apartment was Saturday.  I don't know when I get to move yet.  I really just want to know that date.  It seems like so much will hinge on that information.  When I can book the movers, who came back with a very reasonable price quote.  When I can be on the road.  When I can start working and make some money to pay off the loans I just took out to pay for school.  

I'm developing a nervousness about it all.  I'm questioning whether or not its going to work out or not.  And that is driving me crazy.  I'm trying to stay focused on positive and relax...  but I feel on edge as this week draws to a close with no more news.  I actually took my friends advice this morning and woke up and screamed.  It let a bit of the tension out...  especially when I woke up still exhausted (which could be the combo of being out til 2 am with friends who were in town with their tour combined with the stress of waiting)

Mom had a PET scan today.  They gave her this note to take home saying that she would be radioactive for the remainder of the day and that she wasn't allowed to hold any babies or play with any kids.  I found that entertaining, as we joked that she'd really been making WMDs in the backyard.  She'll find the results out on Tuesday, and hopefully that will be good news.

I've been doing lots of praying and trying to focus on being calm and focused and positive and knowing that good things are coming.  Its a different way for me to handle things, and has left me feeling calmer and less agitated and worried.  

I just hope I get news soon!

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