Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Another day at home

Its been a fairly productive day for me.  I got most of my application put together for culinary school.  I wrote the main essay about something that had influenced me.  I wrote about my paternal grandmother and paternal great grandmother.  Neither of whom I had the chance to meet, but who managed to influence me.  My great grandmother with a love of cooking - she had a room in her house dedicated to raviolis, and my grandmother with her love of knitting.  I have to do some final editing work on the personal statement about work experience and previous school experience...  but the plan is to get that done tonight so I can mail it all off tomorrow.  I've been told I'll know the results in less than two weeks.  

I've still not heard a word from C.  Its been since Saturday night on the way to the airport that we had a conversation.  I don't know what's going on.  My email and texts have been ignored.  I'm confused and curious.  Does silence speak volumes or is no news good news?  Now my life is a country song and a cliche....  

I need to get back into my knitting.  I want to get my sweater done.  Its been sitting since Friday.  I just can't seem to focus enough to pick up the needles.  I also need to get my blah buster done for my swap partner.  I've found the pattern I'm going to use, and it shouldn't take me long once I get started on it.  Maybe during Top Chef tonight...  I have several hours of catch up to accomplish before tonight's episode.  Prime time for knitting.  And hopefully not too much thinking.  


Laurie~Let's Knit It said...

How exciting that you will be going to Culinary School. I wish you well. I too love to cook.
I hope everything straightens out in your relationship.
It seems sometimes like LIFE is a country song?

Anonymous said...

I owe you an email.. and I haven't forgotten... I'm not sure if silence is good or bad in this case... I want to say silence is ok.. that he's thinking.. and he won't leave you hanging... so I'll go with that for now! Those croissants look AMAZING :-)