Thursday, February 28, 2008

One down, one to go

I'm back from the first interview. It wasn't quite what I was expecting. I'm big on gut reactions, and I didn't get the same feeling at this company. I didn't get the "I'm excited to work here" feeling from the people that interviewed me. I liked aspects of the job, and it could be a great stepping stone to something more, but I'm doubtful that it will challenge me and keep me busy enough for my liking. I'd be assisting assistants. Both of whom seemed nice, but not the energetic, thirst for life, personable people I've met in other places. I'm not ruling it out, but I'm not excited about it like I thought I would be. Also, the salary is well below where I was hoping to be. The highest they are willing to go is $10k below where I'd like to be. The benefits are great though... So, we'll see what they come back with. If they even liked me enough to want to see me again. I like the idea of working for a non-profit again, but I'm not sure this is the one for me. I feel to fast paced for the people I interviewed with.

I'm more hopeful for this afternoon's round. You don't bring someone back for a third round very often. I have a really good feeling about it. Obviously the person who I'd be supporting liked me, as he was the last interview I had, and they wanted me back again. I'm hopeful they are planning on making an offer.

So now a bit of down time. A bit of Harry Potter, me thinks. I'm enjoying the chance to reread (and its fun to laugh at the English exclamations, which are different from our American ones) them... Unfortunately, I'm on the last one before I've caught up to D, and he has the last two books with him on the road, which means two months before I can get to them.


Anonymous said...

Sarah, I simply must know where you got the pattern for the adorable penguin.. I must knit him up very soon!

Kat said...

Sarah, I agree with insanknitty. I would love the pattern too or know where to get it!!

Code Purl said...

Hope the 3rd interview went well. I'll check back for an update!