Friday, February 29, 2008

When's it my turn?

So, interview number two of the day, number three with said company, went well. I really like the people there. I love the atmosphere. Everyone seems happy to be at work, seems to like working with each other, seems like a great, fast paced, upbeat environment. The interview ended with a sort of under the breath comment, well, I think you'd fit in here. From the COO. So, cross your fingers. I really want an offer from them. It will be temp to start with, but I figure, that they will love me even more once I am there, and offer me the position full time after a week or two.

I do have another first round something tomorrow. But part of me just wants to blow it off. I know I won't. i just don't have it in me to do something like that, but I am just so sick of this process.

I went out and had a few drinks with friends tonight. Which was great. Til i got on the train by myself to come home. And started thinking when is it my turn. When do I get to get what I want? Yet again, he has what he wants (not me) and I don't have what I want (a job, a place, someone that thinks of me before anyone else). Exacerbated by a few drinks... well, I feel alone and depressed. I feel like I've been through so much - hard times, heart break, etc. - and I'm just tired of it. I want good things in my life. And I'm sick of waiting for them to get here.


Anonymous said...

Hugs going to you! Your turn is coming, and you've been patient and persistent... so He surely will pay you back 10 fold. :-) Congrats on yesterdays fabulous interview, and good luck at todays!

Code Purl said...

Sorry you're feeling so down. I hope you're feeling better today and congrats on the 3rd interview.

Anonymous said...

Sarah, I agree that it'll be your turn soon. You're doing everything right--you were so brave and began walking this new path in NYC! Something wonderful will come of it, you'll see.

all the best,
