Turtle also tagged me to share 7 random facts with everyone... so here we go....
1. I've drive across the country. Once going east from Washington DC to Las Vegas, and once from Las Vegas to NYC. Both times I did alone, just me and my corolla.
2. If I had the money, I'd be opening a coffee and dessert shoppe. We'd serve tapas, fancy desserts and chocolates and coffees - including alcoholic ones. There'd be big comfy couches and chairs and board games, and baskets of yarn.
3. I survived a car accident where I rolled my car over. I walked away with a bruise from where my hand hit the rearview mirror when the airbag went off. That was 6 years ago.
4. I can type about 75 words per minute
5. I've been to all but 9 of the states.
6. I've been inside The Great Buddha - for 10 yen (or about 10 cents) you can go inside the structure. I prefer to say I've been in Buddha's belly.
7. I am anal about doing laundry. It has to be done my way. I have no issue doing yours but don't do mine.
So, there you have it... And I'm tagging anyone who reads this.... Cause I'm not knowing enough of you well enough to actually tag you individually - in fact I don't even think I've had 7 different people comment on my thoughts just yet. So, share 7 facts about yourselves. It will give you a topic to write on for the day.
And as the day draws to a close, I'm signing off for the night. Hopefully tomorrow I'll finish mom's scarf and start picking up stitches for my sweater. And have more news on the job search. (and oh, the job I was supposed to be researching last night ended up falling through. They didn't like the idea that one of my last jobs was "off the books" and wouldn't show up on a background check.... which most likely means it would be have been way too corporate for me)
Hope the candles helped. I sure light a lot of candles. And all November I had a fire in the fireplace.
I did the random 7 things just a few weeks ago...if you look, it's there.
Maybe you feel this way already, but a friend who furvived a crazy accident says she feels like she was left here because she hadn't yet fulfilled her purpose. So...you really should feel special. You're here for a reason.
On the job front, have you considered interviewing for something totally different...just to compare/contrast the jobs. Back when I was working, I was working through a book called What color is your parachute (or something like that). I might be wrong, but it just seems that the jobs you're interviewing for are so far from the coffee and dessert shoppe. Maybe you need to follow your passions a bit more.
Sorry if that's out of line...I'm new to your life...and I don't know all the background. I just remember how unhappy I was with the job I had. Then I had a baby...and my whole world changed. But, I think that unhappiness would keep me from ever going back to architecture even though I studdied my but off for that degree. I now look at it as the place I met my husband...so if I didn't go to Cal Poly, then we wouldn't have met. Maybe that was my purpose there...not to be an architect.
I loved reading your "7 random things."
Your package is almost ready to go!!!
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